
Vote For Your Right to Love

This November I am voting for President Obama, and try as I might I cannot understand why any LGBT would do otherwise. In case you missed it, President Obama came out in his support of same sex marriage. Here is the footage of that initial statement:

Obama's opponent Mitt Romney is not in support of gay marriage, in fact he is not even in support of civil unions if the only difference from marriage is the name. Those opinions are evident in this footage of his statements:  

Equal rights means equality. Not separate but equal, and not anything less than full equality. So why would you vote for someone who is clearly against granting you full equality? I really have no idea. 

There are plenty of people who support the very people who do not support equality for LGBTs. Mary Cheney for example, Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter who is married in Washington D.C. and has two daughters with her partner of many years. She has on numerous occasions donated money to politicians that are adamantly against same sex marriage. Why Mary, why? Do you think that because you are giving them money that maybe someday they'll think you're not so bad and grant you equal rights? 

Another is Paul Singer who has donated millions to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and has a gay son that married his partner in Massachusetts who donated his own money to help legalize marriage in New York.  Paul Singer is a big supporter of marriage equality and he also formed the super pac American Unity to support Mitt Romney for president.  His intention is to try to safely, and discreetly give republicans who support marriage equality an opportunity to contribute funds to support gay marriage, but shouldn't these funds be going to Obama's campaign instead? 

I understand that politics is a complicated, ugly game, but my future, my rights and my financial well being are tied up in this game. Those that vote based on their economic or financial views see marriage equality as a separate issue. But LGBT economic and financial well being is directly related to marriage equality. Until same sex marriage is recognized federally I will still have to file my tax returns as a single person, even if Colorado allows same sex marriage. Tax credits, health care, second parent adoption, etc.  CNN reports that same sex couples spend up to $6000 a year more on taxes then straight, married couples. And if your spouse dies and you've spent an entire lifetime building that life together you could pay $500,000 more than a straight person in inheritance taxes. Sad but true story here

Put your money and your support where your heart is. Vote in your own best interest and if your LGBT that means marriage equality. For the first time we have a president who is openly supporting same sex marriage, that is huge. Let's give him our support.  

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